Praise For This Book
"Ireland remains the perfect country to read and write about, because every inch of it is different, yet every inch is typical. And everything is within walking distance--if not by you, then by a surrogate like Robert Ginna, whose new book, "The Irish Way, is as good as a hike though the whole time and space of Ireland with a man who not only knows all there is to know about it but seems to learn something new every minute: in other words, an Irishman, complete with contradictions (he's actually American) and great conversations and with a wonderfully exhilarating book up his sleeve."--Wilfrid Sheed
"This marvelous walk down the full length of Ireland is the journey of a lifetime. Robert Ginna takes you along with him into the ruined abbeys, the villages and towns, the great houses with their extraordinary histories, the talk-filled pubs, and, more than this, into the soul of the country.
"The fierce and bloody past with its sorrows, the beauty of the land and its rivers, the open-heartedness of the people, are all grandly revealed by a matchless guide."--James Salter