Living Without God

New Directions for Atheists, Agnostics, Secularists, and the Undecided

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Book Description

Ronald Aronson has a mission: to demonstrate that a life without religion can be coherent, moral, and committed. Optimistic and stirring, Living Without God is less interested in attacking religion than in developing a positive philosophy for atheists, agnostics, secular humanists, skeptics, and freethinkers. Aronson proposes contemporary answers to Immanuel Kant’s three great questions: What can I know? What ought I to do? What can I hope? Grounded in the sense that we are deeply dependent and interconnected beings who are rooted in the universe, nature, history, society, and the global economy, Living Without God explores the experience and issues of 21st–century secularists, especially in America. Reflecting on such perplexing questions as why we are grateful for life’s gifts, who or what is responsible for inequalities, and how to live in the face of aging and dying, Living Without God is also refreshingly topical, touching on such subjects as contemporary terrorism, the war in Iraq, affirmative action, and the remarkable rise of Barack Obama.

About the Author

Praise For This Book

"Ronald Aronson demonstrates that atheism represents much more than what one does not believe: that it is the precondition for a generous humanism.
The two closing chapters are models of stoicism at its best." —Christopher
Hitchens, author of God is Not Great

"As a Christian I applaud my Brother Ronald Aronson for his powerful defense of a courageous and compassionate secular worldview. He is a religiously musical atheist I admire!" —Cornel West

"This book is not just for non–believers. All of us are 'living without God'—at least a loving, personal God. Aronson just shows us how to do it with courage and panache." —Barbara Ehrenreich

"[Living Without God] brooks no argument with religion as religion, but it challenges how the religious right has warped our politics in recent times." —Detroit Metro Times

"A first rate humanist scholar, [Aronson is] intent on showing we don't need belief in god, or in Progress, the Enlightment substitute, to see us through." —