In Search of Love and Beauty

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9781582430164 | Paperback 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 | 252 pages Buy it Now

Book Description

This observant and insightful novel reveals, in rich and poignant detail, the interior lives of three generations of people in their quest for love and beauty Louise, not content with her husband’s gentle affection, strives to reclaim her youth in titillating social and spiritual adventures. Her daughter Marietta searches for beauty in lofty ideas and in her obsession for her son Mark, who believes love is to be found in the pursuit of money and young, vacuous lovers. And Leo, their eccentric, self–styled guru, satisfies himself with power–commanding the bodies and souls of his followers.

Demonstrating Jhabvala’s deft twists of irony and humor, In Search of Love and Beauty brings several lifespans, full of hopes and ideals, within our grasp.

About the Author

Praise For This Book

"In Search of Love and Beauty displays in abundance Jhabvala's wit and chilling accuracy of insight." The New York Times Book Review "We can't hear enough about these people. Here is an original novelist operating at her best." Vanity Fair "Here Jhabvala shows her rare ability to illuminate the extraordinary [as if] never seen before. It is funny. It is sad. It is life." —St. Louis Post–Dispatch